Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Little Bummed

We're all feeling a bit bummed at our house. Had some stuff happen that, for me anyways, left me feeling disappointed, a little bitter and questioning why things are the way they are. On top of that, we've got lots of friends leaving - we have 3 going away parties this weekend alone. Some are leaving for just a time, others permanently. One family is moving to another continent and another just down the street. Hubs is having a good boss leave for a job opportunity in another state (which adds to his stress because now he's in charge temporarily). J is losing 2 friends she greatly enjoyed playing with. We're so busy right now, we aren't able to spend the time we'd like to with these folks before they leave.

Both of us are dealing with a flood of emotions but are unsure what to do with them. Processing isn't an easy thing sometimes. I told K that in addition to being sad, I feel guilty about feeling bad. None of these things are directly happening to us (you know,we're not moving, our family member isn't leaving, etc) so it seems that feeling this way is making it all about me when it isn't about me at all. I guess feelings are just feelings and aren't right or wrong by nature.

Anyways, if you talk with us and we're in a funk, this is why.


Ariana said...

Here, let me squish you over the interwebs...(((SQUIIIISH))). I'm sorry that so many lovely people are moving out of the rhythm of your life for now. I understand. Several of my friends have left or are leaving by the end of September.

Allison said...

There is something happening to you. You are being left which is/can be hard to deal with. You will miss them and they will miss you because you allowed them into you are are worth missing. In a warped way, that's kinda sweet. I guess we should strive to be friends worth missing. Love you - we need a hug exchange :)