Friday, August 24, 2007

I Chose Poorly...but I Choose to End Wisely

It's a gift, I swear. When given a choice of numerous checkout lanes, I will invariably pick the slowest lane possible. I went to Walmart this evening (a poor choice in and of itself on the best of days) and after roaming around the store trying to find a handful of items, I picked a line with only 2 customers ahead of me. Seemed to be a no brainer when compared to the other lines nearby. Between coupons, language barriers, cash trading hands, idle chit-chat with the cashier about high school football, blah blah blah...I was starting to seethe.

Seeing as how I've named my little piece of blogdom Praise in the Storm, I feel compelled to present something positive from my irritating situation. I could continue to ruminate on the inconvenience, OR I could give thanks in all things (as commanded in I Thess 5:18) and thank God for giving me a lesson in patience. It was only a few minutes of my time and in light of eternity, big whup. What if being delayed prevented me from being in an accident on the way home? Who knows? God is in control of the big and little things in my life. It's best I remind myself of that every day. My attitude is predominantly a matter of choice, so I wish to choose wisely and give thanks. In all things. Hmm...(I need more practice!)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spooky Accurate

So I took this personality test on If you want to see how your personality looks in blazing technicolor, give it a whirl. It only took 15 min or so. It was a fun diversion while waiting for dinner to cook. Not only can you rate yourself, but you can rate your friend or family member and see how close your results match theirs. Sure, I could be sweeping the kitchen floor, but this is way more entertaining.

Concerned Realist

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank You!

I want to use this time and space to say THANK YOU to our friends who surround us with love and encouragement in the good and bad times. I'm very lucky in that I have a very loving family who really doesn't live that far away - I know not everyone has the benefit of that. What we have, as well, is an extended family of friends that never hestitate to be there for us. With all the sucky things that have happened to us this year, our "family" has rallied around us to pray for us, hug us, bring us dinner, etc. I hate to impose upon people and usually decline offers of help, but my good friend A reminded me that sometimes I just need to shut up and say "Yes, thank you." Ouch. But correct. Romans 12:15 says to "Rejoice with those who rejoice. Mourn with those who mourn." To those of you who have held our hands in the rejoicing and the mourning - muchas gracias.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

God is Good...ALL the Time

2007 has been a year of trials. I'm not familiar with Lemony Snicket, but for us it has certainly been a series of unfortunate events. If my happiness and sanity were based on circumstances, financial security and plans working out that way I'd imagined, I'd have already been taken away to a rubber room by nice men in white jackets. The only reason I have for not crumbling is that I'm anchored in the immovable, unchanging love of Father God. He is good regardless of the circumstances. He is in control at all times. I do not have to understand why things are happening. I cannot ask "Why me?" I mean, "why NOT me?" I'm not better than anyone else, no less vulnerable to the misfortunes of the world. Jesus promises that we will face tribulation and Peter says we should not think it strange when trials come. Suffering is part of the normal Christian life. I'll never suffer to the point of death on a cross, so what do I have to complain about? I just hope I'm learning these life lessons this go-round since I really wouldn't relish having to repeat them!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

To Know and Be Known

All of us, I believe, have a desire to know and be known. Why else would blogs, MySpace, etc. be so popular? Why do people love to fill out questionnaires about themselves? Well, I'm no different than anyone else, so here I go dipping my toes in the murky waters of blog-dom. Do I actually think anyone cares to read what I have to say? Probably not. If anything, it'll be cathartic to put things in writing. As usual, my motives are apparently purely selfish.