Saturday, October 13, 2007

How Long 'Til You Say That's Enough?

I just ran across an article which had a title that grabbed my attention and content that got my blood boiling. The opinion column talked about a recent endorsement by Miller Beer of an event that mocked the Last Supper of Jesus. I won't go into more detail here but you can read the article if you want.

I find myself feeling like Jonah sitting outside of Ninevah waiting for the wrath of God to come blazing down and burn them to cinders. "Get 'em, God!" I scream inwardly. How dare they (the event organizers, participants, sponsors, etc) be so brazen? Don't they know who they're dealing with?

Psalm 74:22
Rise up, O God, and defend your cause; remember how fools mock you all day long.

Chris Rice, in his song Naive, asks God how long until He says "that's quite enough and your time is up." The answer is that God loves His creation and wants each of us, even the ones that hate Him, to come to repentance. He's just giving us more time.

But never fear, in Galatians 6:7 it says "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." I'd be watching my back if I were those folks. Better yet, drop to your knees and beg for God's forgiveness and a new heart for Him.

And yet, is my sin any worse than theirs? God doesn't have a rating system. Without Christ, my heart is just as black and twisted as theirs. I dare not sit in judgment, only gratitude that Christ died for a sinner like me and allowed me to receive his gift of forgiveness and redemption.


Allison said...

There's a song by Plain Jane (indy band) where they say, 'I wonder if He ever gets tired of all this?' Another verse is talking about how a person waiting for someone to tell them 'it's alright to be a little on the shady side.' This behavior will go on and most likely get worse. However, EVERY knee will bow. I hope that it's sooner rather than later.

nashbabe said...

I do love that song...