Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Thanks In All Things

My buddy Jennifer challenged her FB friends to post 10 non-cliche items for which we're thankful. Here's my list:

1. A husband who loves God first
2. A daughter who is truly a blessing
3. Not always getting what I pray for
4. Forever forgiveness I didn't (and still don't) deserve
5. Starbucks coffee with vanilla chai creamer
6. A car with relatively few problems and a functional heater
7. Fantastic in-law's
8. Blue Bell Ultimate Neapolitan ice cream
9. Fabulous friends...seriously, you're great
10. Not having to have it all figured out (He knows the plans He has for me)
11. Parents who are still together after almost 40 yrs of marriage
12. A brother like no other - he makes me laugh, loves me, and brought an awesome new sister into our family
13. Modern appliances
14. Two children I'll get to see in heaven
15. Living on a street where the neighbors watch out for each other

Obviously that's not ten. I'm indecisive and at times unable to follow directions, so you get 15. They're also not in order of importance, so please don't read anything into how they're presented. There are so many other things I could mention, but I think this is a good start.

I challenge you to make your own list. I really helps you feel more content by moving the focus from what you don't have to all the blessings you do possess.

I Thess 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


Allison said...

What a great idea!!!

Phil said...

And for a daughter who follows hard after her God.